When you have interacted with an enneagram wing 3w4 , you have interacted with the experts. Moreover, if your test result shows enneagram wing 3w4 , you possess some personality traits from wing 3 and some from wing 4. However, if we individually speak about wing 3, they are the true achievers. Furthermore, they've goals to perform, and they complete their goals showing their worth. On the contrary, wing 4 are individuals who believe which they possess qualities which make them distinctive from others. A lot more, they don't find themselves easily fit with other people because they think themselves to be unique from others. However, enneagram 3w4 can be work-oriented sort of individuals, helping to make them introverted among all the enneagram threes. Personality traits Let's have an idea of enneagram wing 3w4 personality traits. Basic fear Enneagram 3w4 believes that their value is parallel to their success. So, to be successful, they become career driven. A lot more, the...